Grain Cleaner Max Ultra

The main function of this pre cleaner is to remove oversized and undersized impurities such as stones and sand from the paddy. This also remove other impurities such as dust and straw from the paddy.

Benefits of Grain Cleaner Max Ultra

  • Designed with double conveyor system ensuring best discharge of immature paddy.

  • Equipped with highly efficient suction blower.

  • Designed to accommodate easily removable trays.

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    Code No. Product Name Capacity on Paddy Speed Power Recommended Dimensions (L * B * H in mm)
    GCMU00 GRAIN CLEANER MAX ULTRA 15 Ton/hr 335 RPM 7.5 HP/2800 RPM*
    2 HP/1440 RPM*
    3405 * 2185 * 2857

    * Motors marked * will be supplied along with the machine.

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